
Welcome to the digital home of the Yellow Jacket Concert Choir & Chamber Singers! 

Concert Choir (MUSC 310) is a non-auditioned choir open to all voice types and a welcoming musical community, dedicated to singing a diverse repertoire from different parts of the world and times in history. All members of Concert Choir receive academic credit and participate in a range of special events, including Fall Retreat & Spring Tour. Concert Choir rehearses Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:00-8:30PM.

Our Fall 2019 program, “Crossroads,” featured the folk songs of the builders of the Transcontinental Railroad, music of the Underground Railroad, and voices of people on the move in the past and present. This last spring, Concert Choir explored what it means to be in “The Center of the Universe” — from cosmic proportions to Ashland, VA.

Selected by audition, Chamber Singers (MUSC 311) is a smaller for-credit ensemble whose members come from within the ranks of Concert Choir. From Renaissance madrigals to 19th-century quartets, repertoire is chosen to showcase the intimate and interdependent nature of the chamber ensemble. The Chamber Singers often perform at official college events, such as Matriculation Day, the Ring Ceremony, and Baccalaureate. Chamber Singers rehearses Tuesdays & Thursdays, 3:00-4:30PM. **For Fall 2020, Chamber Singers will rehearse Mondays & Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30PM.**