Courses Taught at Randolph-Macon
Honors 145: Physics in the Atomic Age
Physics 499: Senior Seminar
Physics 440: Statistical and Thermal Physics
Physics 430: Introductory Quantum Mechanics
Physics 350: Computational Physics
Physics 340: Electricity and Magnetism
Physics 330: Intermediate Mechanics
Physics 322: Advanced Physics Lab
Physics 321: Intermediate Physics Lab
Physics 250: Mathematical Physics
Physics 205: Modern Physics
Physics151-2: Introductory Physics
Physics 110: Physics of Light (Travel Course to England), taught with companion course Psychology of Vision with Cedar Riener
Physics 105: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Physics (for non-majors)
RMCS 103: Building the Bomb: Freedom and Constraint in the Dawn of the Atomic Age (Freshman Seminar)
YJSS 101: Yellow Jackets Success Strategies (Freshman College Strategies Course)