Register for Study Abroad Course to England: Physics of Light and Psychology of Vision

My course, “Physics 110: The Physics of Light”, has been approved for travel in January of 2018.  I will be traveling with Dr. Cedar Riener, who will teach “Psychology 141: Psychology of Vision.”  Enrollment in both courses is encouraged, but not required.  There are no prerequisites for either class and you can enroll as soon as you are eligible to Fall 2017 enrollment!

Our home-base will be the beautiful Wroxton Abbey, a 17th Century Jacobean Manor house located in Oxfordshire, Northwest of London.  From here, we will take day trips to Stonehenge, Bath, Oxford, Cambridge, Stratford upon Avon, and other historic destinations in Oxfordshire.  At the end of our stay, we will spend a weekend in London, where we will visit places like the Greenwich Royal Observatory, the Science Museum- London, the British Museum, and Westminster Abbey.

Course descriptions: 

Physics 110: Physics of Light (4 credits) 

This course is a one-semester introduction to the physics of light, from a conceptual and historical perspective. Specific topics include light and shadow, pigments and colors, mirrors and lenses, optical devices such as telescopes and cameras, and wave particle duality. This course is highly experiential, involving laboratory investigations, as well as travel to historical locations in England connected to the development of the theory of light. This course will also partially satisfy the Natural Lab Science AOK curricular requirement. No prerequisites.

Psychology 131: Psychology of Vision (3 credits)

This course will introduce students to the science of vision. We will begin by studying the physical nature of light, then move on to the biology of the eye and the neuroscience of our brain’s visual system, finishing with the psychology of sensation and perception. The course will be highly interdisciplinary, including readings, materials, demonstrations and activities from each of these different fields. Students will explore the phenomena of vision from the different perspectives, but the focus (and learning objectives) will be on the psychology of vision. This is an introductory psychology course with no prerequisites. This course will also partially satisfy the Social Science AOK curricular requirement. The course travels to England, visiting sites of interest to perceptual psychology.

Tentative travel dates:  January 14-28, 2018

Both classes (PSYC 141 and PHYS 110) will meet on campus beginning January 8, 2018, and travel to England from January 14-31, 2018.

Tentative Itinerary:

January 8-14: Randolph-Macon

January 14: Travel to England

January 14-25: Stay at Wroxton (day trips will include visits to Stonehenge, Bath, Oxford, Cambridge, and Stratford upon Avon)

January 25-31: London (activities will include Greenwich Observatory, Science Museum- London, British Museum, and Westminster Abbey)

January 31: Travel to R-MC

February 2: Exams

Dr. Dominguez (that’s me!) is a professor in the Physics Department with expertise in computational physics and the teaching of physics. She has taught a wide range of physics classes, including several conceptual courses for beginners. She previously lived and studied physics in Great Britain, and has traveled extensively.

Dr. Riener is a professor in the Psychology Department, with an expertise in perception and cognitive psychology. He has taught a variety of courses on basic and advanced perceptual psychology, the psychology of illusions, and the history of psychology.

Estimated Cost:


Students should also budget approx. $300 for meals and fees not covered by the program cost.

Visit the R-MC J-term webpage for more info.

A few pictures from Wroxton and surrounding environs:

Artifacts from the Whipple History of Science Museum in Cambridge, England


**We will now be traveling with another  BUS/ECON course and have updated our travel dates and cost to reflect these changes.

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