Introducing the New Library Logo

New Library LogoI am pleased to introduce the new McGraw-Page Library logo. This logo represents several months of collaboration with the Marketing/Communications office at Randolph-Macon College, to whom we owe our thanks.

Libraries are constantly changing, and how they represent themselves in their print and digital materials needs to change periodically so that they accurately represent themselves.

This logo highlights three areas that the McGraw-Page Library currently emphasizes:

  • Resources (open book icon) continue to be an important service provided by the library, although print books do not represent the majority of what we provide. Ebooks, print and electronic journals, DVDs, streaming videos, databases, and our unique special collections and archives are equally if not more heavily relied upon by our students and faculty. We also provide access to many more resources through our interlibrary loan service and our cooperative borrowing agreements with other libraries. Other resources include our knowledgeable reference librarians and staff and our variety of study spaces, both of which meet critical needs on campus.
  • Technology (smartphone icon) is essential to any college degree obtained in the 21st century, and the library helps to provide both the hardware and software needed for academic and creative work. We provide hardware such as laptop and desktop computers and iPads, and software such as Microsoft Office and the Adobe Creative Suite. Our new MakerSpace includes a 3D printer, Legos®, virtual reality opportunities, and more. Workshops and one-on-one training are available.
  • Creativity (light bulb icon) is facilitated when the resources, environment, and technology are right. The library encourages creative approaches to assignments, thinking, and life by providing the spaces, tools, and support needed to maximize opportunities for creativity.

You can expect to see this logo appearing soon on our website as well as on posters, the annual report, and other materials associated with the library.

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