This database from the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) is a collaborative effort produced by a group of more than 120 archives in over 65 countries that collect, restore, and exhibit films and cinema documentation spanning the entire history of film.
The FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals is essential for doing research in film studies. The index contains over 500,000 article citations from more than 345 periodicals, including both academic and popular film journals, with approximately 50 in full text. Each entry consists of a full bibliographic description, an abstract and comprehensive headings (biographical names, film titles and general subjects). Also included in this database is The Treasures from the Film Archives dataset, a database containing information about the silent-era film holdings of many film archives from around the world. The database also contains the full text of several important film reference works such as the Oxford History of World Cinema and Film Analysis: A Norton Reader. Additionally, the FIAF Affiliates’ Publications component indexes the books, pamphlets, programmes, and other materials published by FIAF.