The library provides access to the full e-book catalog of the publisher Wiley, known primarily as a science publisher but which has a large number of social science and humanities titles in its catalog.
The Wiley e-Book Collection, part of the Wiley Online Library which includes all of Wiley’s publications, consists of over 20,000 book volumes. Not included in this collection are the very expensive reference sets or specialized series that Wiley produces. In order to determine if a book is available to R-MC users, browse the title lists or do a search and all accessible volumes will be clearly marked with an unlocked lock and the phrase Full Access
Subjects range from Civil Engineering to Archaeology to Accounting to Philosophy, and all books are available to all users at all times. Books can be downloaded in PDF in their entirety or chapter by chapter. Any book may be used for course textbooks or readings in addition to individual research. Check out this valuable collection, although you don’t have to check the books out to use them!