Welcome (back) to R-MC, from the McGraw-Page Library!

It has been a busy summer at the McGraw-Page Library, though much of the work has been behind-the-scenes.

We are pleased to announce a new catalog system: WorldCat Discovery. The new system allows you to search local R-MC collections as well as libraries worldwide with the click of a button. In addition, it is possible to search only for books or only for articles using the same system. This provides a smoother experience, as you only have to learn a single system to access many of our materials. A switch like this takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work, and Library staff, especially Lynda Wright, Kelli Salmon, Laurie Preston, and Judee Showalter, deserve a lot of credit for the smoothness of the transition.

WorldCat Discovery does not include all of our databases and collections, but focuses on those that are most broadly useful to users: the Library’s print and electronic book catalog,  Academic Search Complete, JSTOR, and other general subject databases. For in-depth, discipline-specific research, specific subject databases such as PsycINFO are still the best tools to use, and they can still be accessed through the Databases tab on the library homepage.

The Research Guides have been revised to point to our new WorldCat Discovery system, as well as to provide a “Start Here” tab, which provides quick access to the most useful resources, especially selected to support someone who is new to researching in a subject.

We also celebrate a new roof on the building, a project that took all of June and about half of July to complete. A huge shout-out goes to the R-MC Physical Plant for their work coordinating these efforts.

The Library is ready for new and returning students, and we look forward to supporting students, faculty, and staff through the 2019-2020 academic year!

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