Introducing Nancy Falciani-White, Library Director


Nancy Falciani-White image

“Information is the raw material of knowledge: used effectively it can lead to wisdom. It is the intellectual equivalent of our food. And just as our eating habits and nutritional intake can be good or bad, with concomitant good and bad effects on our physical health, so can the quality of information we acquire, and the effectiveness with which we process it, affect the quality and effectiveness of our intellectual health.”[1]

My name is Nancy Falciani-White, and I am pleased to introduce myself to you as the new director of Randolph-Macon’s McGraw-Page Library. I have a bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (English, Education, and Music) from Wheaton College in Illinois, and a Master of Science degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2007. I obtained my Doctorate in Education in Instructional Technology from Northern Illinois University in 2013. My husband and I have two children. In my free time I enjoy genealogy, reading, bookmaking, and gardening. As a family, we enjoy watching movies, biking, and martial arts. I began as Library Director on December 1, and am excited to be joining Randolph-Macon College.  Continue reading “Introducing Nancy Falciani-White, Library Director”

R-MC Folios is a platform for blogging, professional website publishing, and building e-Portfolios. It is currently offered to faculty and students of Randolph-Macon College, and is supported by Media & Instructional Support at the library.  Here are examples of how faculty and students use the tool – (Professor Rachele Dominguez’s blogs) (Student projects for Professor Evie Terrono’s FYE class)

Powered by WordPress, can also be used as a teaching and collaboration tool. It allows students to build web-presentations for class assignments with minimum technical difficulty. Contact Lily Zhang ( if you are interested in using, or visit